
How to Run an eNPS Survey

Looking to improve employee engagement? Your first step should be a recurring eNPS survey to identify problems across your teams. Let’s learn how!

We’re all striving to build and maintain highly-engaged teams - after all, they’re more productive, more profitable and less likely to show high attrition rates - and for most companies, eNPS is an essential part of that process.

eNPS surveys or Employee Net Promoter Score surveys give you a snapshot of how engaged your people are, helping you understand where to make improvements, and giving you fair warning when you might be about to lose some of your top people.

There are essentially two ways to run an eNPS survey:

  • The short way (3 Steps), using a dedicated eNPS tool like the one you’ll find in Frankli’s Surveys space.

  • The long way (14 Steps), using a more general survey tool.

Today, we’ll talk you through both methods, but if you’ve still got questions, you’ll find the answers in our quick guide to eNPS.

enps survey employee net promoter scoreCreating an eNPS survey in Frankli

How to Run an eNPS Survey (Short Version):

Step 1. Get started with Frankli - you can try for free for 30 days.

Step 2. Once your teams are all set up, create and publish an eNPS survey using our dedicated eNPS tool, which will guide you through the process in under 60 seconds. Frankli will automatically notify your people and send reminders to participate.

Step 3. You’ll be notified when your survey results are ready. Frankli provides an easy-to-follow, shareable report, automatically calculating your eNPS score and providing a breakdown of your responses.

The eNPS survey will automatically run again in 90 days. Frankli can also help you with lots of other rituals that are proven to help improve employee engagement, including regular 1:1 meetings and 360-degree feedback.

Further reading:

How to run an eNPS surveyFrankli saves you time by automating your eNPS surveys.

How to Run an eNPS Survey (Long Version)

Step 1. Read our quick guide to eNPS so you’re familiar with how it all works.

Step 2. Choose a survey tool or platform through which to run your survey. We recommend a dedicated eNPS tool like the one you’ll find in Frankli (see Short Version), but it’s possible with many basic survey tools, as long as they have the functionality to keep responses anonymous.

Step 3. Set up your eNPS survey. This process will differ depending on which tool you’re using, but you’ll need to include this question; “On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend (company name) as a good place to work?” You’ll also need to include the option for participants to respond with a number between 0 and 10.

Step 4. Choose whether you’d like to include any additional questions. Some survey tools will give you the option of asking low scorers for more detail, in which case we recommend these questions:

  • If you were offered the same job at another organisation, how likely is it that you would stay with (Company Name)?

  • Overall, how satisfied are you working for (Company Name)?

  • How likely is it you would recommend (Company Name) products or services to friends and family?

Otherwise, you could add an open-ended question for all respondents; “Please share the reasons for your score.”

Step 5. Choose some respondents for your survey. We recommend sending it to all employees, although excluding any outgoing employees could help increase the accuracy of your score next quarter.

Step 6. Choose a deadline for your eNPS survey. 7 working days is a good number - it gives employees who might be on annual leave a good chance to respond.

Step 7. Publish your survey. Depending on the tool you're using, you may need to manually send the survey link to all employees.

Step 8. Communicate the survey to your people. Again, your survey tool may do this part for you, but you want to make sure that the purpose and deadline of the survey are clear, and that your people know that their responses will be anonymous.

You might like to include a line prompting honesty and/or thanking them for their participation. For example, “We are always looking to improve employee experience so please be honest with your response. Thanks in advance for your participation!“

Step 9. Send out reminders to employees. You may want to do this multiple times.

Step 10. Gather the responses. Depending on the survey tool you’re using, you may be shown this data on a dashboard or prompted to download it.

Step 11. Calculate your eNPS score. You do this by splitting employees into three categories based on their responses:

  • employees who respond with a score of 9 or 10 are promoters.

  • employees who respond with a score of 7 or 8 are passives.

  • employees who respond with a score of 0 to 6 are detractors.

Your score is then calculated using this formula:

% Promoters – % Detractors = eNPS

Scores can range from -100 (all responders are detractors) to +100 (all responders are promoters).

Step 12. Understand your score. A good eNPS score is between +10 and +30. Above +50 is excellent and above +80 is exemplary.

Step 13. Establish a target number for your next eNPS survey. This may be your current score if you're happy with it and you’re entering a phase of rapid growth.

Step 14. Run the survey again in 90 days. Begin the process again, this time starting with Step 3.

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