
Elevate organisational performance with Frankli.

Improve performance and engagement through dynamic feedback and transparent goal alignment.


Enhanced Organisational Performance

Frankli's dynamic feedback loops and goal alignment enhance organisational performance, promoting a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring consistent alignment with company priorities for employees and teams.


Improved Employee Engagement

By providing a platform loved by managers and fostering a collaborative culture, Frankli significantly improves employee engagement. Regular feedback, transparent goal-setting, and career development opportunities contribute to a motivated and engaged workforce.


Talent Retention and Development

Frankli supports talent retention through personalised career pathways and a thriving workplace. It acts as a catalyst for attracting, retaining, and developing top talent within the organisation.


Data-Driven Decision-Making

Frankli's real-time analytics enable a data-driven approach for decision-making, facilitating strategic planning, resource allocation, and continuous improvement initiatives based on accurate and timely performance data.

Product Features

Achieve organisational excellence with data-driven insights.

Cost of attrition

Calculate Attrition Costs

Discover the true cost of employee turnover with our calculator, considering recruitment, time lost, and disruption.

Attrition Calculation

For each employee lost, the cost to the company could be 50% for entry level & 250% for leadership roles of his/her annual salary. (SHRM) Use our tool to calculate this impact on your organisation.

Employee experience

Annual salary + benefits



Cost of disengagement

Calculate Disengagement Costs

Measure the financial impact of employee disengagement using Gallup’s data to improve engagement and productivity.

Disengagement Calculation

According to Gallup, 17.20% of the workforce is actively disengaged, costing employers 34% of each disengaged employee’s annual salary. Use our tool to calculate this impact on your organisation.



Median annual salary

