Customer Story

How Caroline Waylen Maximises Employee Potential

Transparency and recognition are key for high-performing, dispersed teams at Futureheads Digital Recruitment.

"It's really important that employees can see the link between what they do as individuals and the overall company objectives."

1. Promote Transparency through Consistency

"Transparency is one of our values. And we felt Frankli provided a really good way of being transparent and consistent with our employees, so they would know that they were getting the same experience that other employees were getting. It wasn't the disparity that they may have experienced in the past, based on managers' individual styles."

Promote Transparency

2. Celebrate Small Wins

"The market's a bit tricky at the moment. It's hard to get lots of business. And so the wins that would've been celebrated last year when it was a boom market, it's harder to make those placements this year. So you've got to celebrate the small wins. One of the ways we're doing this is by nominating a values champion every month. Because Frankli's Praise function allows you to align praise with your values, there’s a really clear, transparent way for me to choose a values champion every month."

3. Digitise Employee Performance Reviews

"Frankli has been really useful in giving people clarity, in terms of what their overall objective is and also how they're going to measured."

"Reviews have always been paper-based wherever I've worked, and I guess the next step for people is recording it via email so it’s actually tracked and not lost in someone's notebook. And for me, Frankli is the next step up from that. It's having everything stored in one place. It's keeping people accountable. It’s making sure everyone knows what's expected of them. And then the feedback is followed up on and people are given support, if they need it, along the way."

4. Use 1:1 Meetings to Check in on Wellbeing

"One of our key focuses is on the wellbeing of our employees. And it's always really important, rather than just getting straight down to business, to ask about how the person is feeling, how they're doing. We like to make the first part of that conversation about wellbeing, so that we can check in with people from a mental health perspective."

"Frankli gives people a consitent employee experience and the opportunity to have their say on a regular basis with the management team."

1:1 Meetings

5. Choose Software with Great Customer Experience

"The customer service with Frankli is excellent. 10 out of 10. People always come back to me, and I felt like my hand was really held throughout the whole process. I'm not a tech person, so I was a bit nervous. I hadn't actually led out any kind of systems implementation before but I just felt that I was supported the whole way."

6. Look for Ways to Bring Culture to Life

Frankli helps employees get more quality time with their manager, and make the most out of the time they have together."

"Frankli definitely compliments our culture. It makes people feel like they've got a voice, that they're being listened to, that they're being treated fairly. And I would say that's always been a focus at Futureheads."

7. Use Digital Tools to Save your People Time

"I like the fact that Frankli is simple. It's easy to use. Everything's in one place. I like the dashboard as a snapshot for me to see what I've got going on. And I like the fact that it saves me time doing my org chart because it pulls employee data from People HR."

"I really like the Task tool in Frankli. It's great for reminding me about things I need to do."

Learn how Frankli turns people into high performers.

"I’m really pleased with Frankli. It’s definitely improved the processes and the experience that employees have here. I would absolutely recommend Frankli to someone in a similar role to mind. In fact, I already have!" – Caroline Waylen

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