Performance Reviews

360 Feedback Questions for Performance Reviews: 100+ Examples

Looking for a list of 360 feedback questions for performance reviews? We're sharing a downloadable template featuring 360 review questions for employee surveys.

Pulling together surveys for a 360-degree performance review is, at best, time-consuming and, at worst, head-scratchingly difficult, so having a list of effective 360 feedback questions to work from can be a lifesaver. And that's exactly what we're sharing today!

We're such huge fans of 360-degree reviews that we've developed a tool to make them more efficient and easier to run, but don't worry if you don't have access to our platform yet, because we're sharing handy templates below and as a free download.

Click here to download all 100+ 360 degree feedback examples

Our templates have been designed, not only to make the appraisal process faster, but to optimise the results! We've dug deep into the latest research in organisational psychology to develop questions that will paint a really detailed, well-rounded picture of the subject, without demanding too much of the participants' time.

But before we get into the sample questions, we wanted to answer a couple of frequently-asked questions about 360 degree reviews.

Why Choose 360 Degree Reviews over Formal Appraisals?

Getting our people on board with performance reviews can be tricky - chances are, they'll have had negative experiences with appraisals in the past, and research shows that Generation Y employees prefer regular real-time feedback to formal reviews (1).

The good news is that performance reviews don't have to be formal... or scary... or inefficient.

360-degree reviews address all of these challenges. They're an approachable and results-focussed mash-up of formal performance reviews and modern 360 feedback principles. Sometimes known as multi-source or multi-rater feedback, 360 degree feedback reviews gather feedback on the subject's performance from those who work closest with them, including feedback from their manager, peers and direct reports (if any), as well as a self-reflection.

When done correctly, 360 performance reviews can have hugely positive effects on employee development, productivity, turnover and even profitability (2). They help teams gather better and more diverse feedback than other systems, so they benefit employees, managers and leaders equally.

How Does a 360 Degree Review work?

360 degree reviews can be done manually or using supporting software. In Frankli, it takes just a couple of minutes to set up a new review cycle. You can create sequenced or open review cycles, depending on whether you’d like to gather information on the review subject’s past performance, or whether you prefer a more holistic, continuous approach to performance reviews.

During the creation process, you can include the following steps; self-reflection, peer review, upward review and manager-led review. For a 360 degree review, you’ll likely select all four steps. You’ll then be prompted to choose some participants, approve or edit the 360 feedback survey questions, and preview the survey before publishing.

Creating a review cycle in Frankli, digital performance reviews

Creating a review cycle in Frankli

How Should I Go About Selecting 360 Degree Review Questions for Surveys?

If you're using the Reviews tool in Frankli, questions will autofill for each survey, but we also include full question banks if you'd like to change them up.

If you're running a manual survey or using a basic survey platform, you can use our downloadable templates to create your questionnaire. Simply choose the questions that are most relevant to your teams and the desired outcome of your review.

The most popular style of questions are open-ended and Likert Scale (with the option to respond Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree or Strongly Disagree). Don't be afraid to use a mix of both!

How Many Questions Should I Include in a 360 Degree Performance Review Questionnaire?

Ideally, your performance review questionnaires should have between 5 and 15 questions in each stage. We recommend around 10 for Self-Reflection and around 5 for Peer, Upward and Manager Reviews, but, of course, this depends on the number of subjects and participants, as well as the level of detail you hope to achieve.

You'll find more answers to frequently-asked questions on reviews here. Now let's dive into the questions!

360 degree review questionsFrankli automates, simplifies and optimises 360 degree performance reviews

360 Feedback Questions for Performance Reviews: Self-Reflection Questions

Likert Scale Questions:

(The participant will be asked to select Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree or Strongly Disagree)

  • I have met all my goals for this quarter.

  • I have consistently delivered high quality and impactful work.

  • I have improved my productivity this quarter.

  • I have improved my efficiency this quarter.

  • I exemplified company values this quarter.

  • I demonstrated skill development over this review period.I adapt well to changing priorities.

  • I am an effective communicator and I demonstrate strong listening skills.

  • I prioritise my workload effectively and meet deadlines.

Open-Ended Questions:
  • To what extent did you meet your goals for the quarter?

  • To what extent did you meet your KPIs for the quarter?

  • How did your actions contribute to the success and effectiveness of your team?

  • What accomplishments are you proud of?

  • How well do you listen and communicate with others?

  • Provide an example of one company value you bring to life.

  • What areas of your role could you improve?

  • What should your goals be for the next quarter?

  • Do you have any concerns about your role?

  • What have you accomplished in the past few months? Please be specific.

  • How have you demonstrated development over this review period? Give some examples of how you have grown.

  • Where would you like to focus further development? Describe how you plan to get there.

  • What elements of your role interest you the most and what elements interest you the least?

  • What have you done this quarter to improve your productivity?

  • What have you done this quarter to improve your efficiency?

  • List 2 or 3 competencies that you have demonstrated development in this quarter.

  • Which competencies would you most like to improve on in the next quarter?

  • Do you feel valued in your role?

  • What areas do you feel you've excelled in over the review period?

  • What do you think were the key factors which helped you excel in these areas?

  • What areas do you feel you've succeeded in over the review period?

  • What steps will you take to improve over the next period? How could you be best supported to do so?

  • What challenges did you face which may have hindered your progress during this period?

  • How have you demonstrated the brand pillars this quarter?

  • What are three areas in which you would like to develop to continue growing at this company?

  • What is the company value you most exemplified this quarter? Please give examples of how.

  • What is one thing you feel you should stop doing?

  • What is one thing you feel you should start doing?

  • What is one thing you feel you should continue doing?

  • In which projects and areas do you think your skills would add the most value next quarter?

360 Feedback Questions for Performance Reviews: Peer Review Questions

Likert Scale Questions:

(The participant will be asked to select Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree or Strongly Disagree)

  • Given what I know of this teammate's performance, I would always want him or her on my team.

  • This teammate has met all their committed goals for this quarter.

  • This teammate exhibits strong leadership skills.

  • This teammate is always timely and efficient at providing feedback.

  • This teammate always finds creative solutions and takes initiative when problem-solving.

  • This teammate is always open to receiving both negative and positive feedback.

  • This teammate strongly embodies our company values.

  • This teammate values diverse perspectives, even if they are different from their own.

  • This teammate is efficient in completing assigned tasks.

  • This teammate's skills are being effectively used in their role.

  • This teammate prioritises their workload effectively and meets deadlines.

Open-Ended Questions:
  • What are this teammate's key strengths? Please give specific examples.

  • What are this teammate's areas of growth? Please give specific examples.

  • Which 3 qualities impressed you the most?

  • What could this teammate improve on?

  • Was this teammate able to assist you as expected this quarter?

  • What 3 or 4 words would you use to describe this teammate?

  • How well does this teammate respond to changing priorities?

  • What is one thing this teammate should stop doing?

  • What is one thing this teammate should start doing?

  • What is one thing this teammate should continue doing?

  • Can you share an example of a company value this teammate has brought to life?

  • How effectively has this teammate been communicating with you? What impact did that have?

  • How has this teammate work impacted your ability to deliver on your goals?

  • Was this teammate able to assist you as expected this quarter?

  • What 3 or 4 words would you use to describe this teammate?

  • How well does this teammate respond to changing priorities?

  • What is one thing this teammate should stop doing?

  • What is one thing this teammate should start doing?

  • What is one thing this teammate should continue doing?

  • Can you share an example of a company value this teammate has brought to life?

  • How effectively has this teammate been communicating with you? What impact did that have?

  • How has this teammate work impacted your ability to deliver on your goals?

  • To what extent does this teammate follow through on goals and expectations? Please provide examples.

  • Does this teammate involve the appropriate stakeholders in their work? Please provide examples.

360 Feedback Questions for Performance Reviews: Upward Review Questions

Likert Scale Questions:

(The participant will be asked to select Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree or Strongly Disagree)

  • My manager provides me with regular, actionable feedback.

  • My manager gives me ample time to express my challenges and concerns in 1:1 meetings.

  • My manager always follows feedback with a suggestion for how to improve.

  • My manager assigns stretch opportunities to help me develop in my career.

  • My manager's feedback is objective and backed up by clear examples.

  • My manager listens to feedback and takes action on it.

  • My manager is a good listener.

  • My manager has had meaningful discussions with me about my career development in the last quarter.

  • My manager provides opportunities that allow me to advance my career.

  • My manager communicates clear goals and expectations.

  • My manager offers the autonomy I need to get my job done.

  • My manager effectively collaborates with me and across other departments.

  • My manager regularly shares relevant information from their manager and upper leadership.

  • My manager's actions reflect the value I bring to the team.

  • My manager doesn't engage in favouritism or preferential treatment.

  • My manager offers suggestions for improvement.

  • My manager cares about my overall wellbeing.

  • My manager always follows feedback with a suggestion for how to improve.

  • My manager assigns stretch opportunities to help me develop in my career.

  • My manager's feedback is objective and backed up by clear examples.

  • My manager listens to feedback and takes action on it.

  • My manager is a good listener.

  • My manager has had meaningful discussions with me about my career development in the last quarter.

  • My manager provides opportunities that allow me to advance my career.

  • My manager communicates clear goals and expectations.

  • My manager offers the autonomy I need to get my job done.

  • My manager effectively collaborates with me and across other departments.

  • My manager regularly shares relevant information from their manager and upper leadership.

  • My manager's actions reflect the value I bring to the team.

  • My manager doesn't engage in favouritism or preferential treatment.

  • My manager offers suggestions for improvement.

  • My manager cares about my overall wellbeing.

Open-Ended Questions:
  • Is your manager action-oriented?

  • How well do they drive results?

  • Does your manager accept feedback?

  • Does your manager communicate effectively?

  • How well does your manager support your professional and personal growth?

  • Does your manager hold you and your peers accountable for delivering quality work on time?

  • What is one thing your manager should stop doing?

  • What is one thing your manager should start doing?

  • What is one thing your manager should continue doing?

  • What are the top three things your manager could do to make work better for you?

  • What's the most helpful thing you'd love your manager to do to help you complete your goals?

  • What would make you more comfortable giving constructive feedback to your manager?

  • Do you feel that your manager listens well to you and motivates you in your role?

  • Does your manager consider team members' opinions in decision-making?

  • How would you rate your manager's problem-solving skills?

  • Does your manager handle work pressure effectively to meet deadlines?

  • Does your manager appear to be aligned with the company values, goals and objectives?

  • How responsive is your manager to their team's needs?

  • What has your manager done this quarter that made it difficult for you to do your best work?

360 Feedback Questions for Performance Reviews: Manager Questions

Likert Scale Questions:

(The participant will be asked to select Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree or Strongly Disagree)

  • This teammate is an effective communicator and demonstrates strong communication skills.

  • This teammate is capable of finding solutions for the most demanding and troublesome tasks.

  • This teammate shows excellent analytical abilities in every aspect of their work.

  • This teammate exhibits strong leadership skills.

  • This teammate is always timely and efficient at providing feedback.

  • This teammate always finds creative solutions and takes initiative when problem-solving.

  • This teammate is always open to receiving both negative and positive feedback.

  • This teammate strongly embodies our company values.

  • This teammate values diverse perspectives, even if they are different from their own.

  • This teammate is efficient in completing assigned tasks.

  • This teammate prioritises their workload effectively and meets deadlines.

  • This teammate's skills are being effectively used in their role.

  • This teammate is ready for a promotion today.

Open-Ended Questions:
  • What are this teammate's key areas of growth? Please give specific examples.

  • What are this teammate's key strengths? Please give specific examples.

  • In what areas does this teammate need to develop?

  • Looking back at this teammate's OKRs over this review period, what has been the highlight of their performance?

  • Where and how has this teammate added exceptional, differentiated or positive value to the business?

  • To what extent did this teammate meet their OKRs this quarter?

  • To what extent did this teammate meet their KPIs this quarter?

  • What areas do you feel this teammate has excelled in over the review period?

  • What areas do you feel this teammate has succeeded in over the review period?

  • What areas do you feel this teammate may need support to improve?

  • What do you think were the key factors which helped this teammate succeed in these areas?

  • What steps should they be taking to improve their performance?

  • Are there any additional responsibilities that they could take on?

  • How well did this teammate manage their workload this quarter? Please provide specific examples.

  • To what extent did this teammate meet their KPIs this quarter? Please give specific examples.

  • How well did this teammate communicate with others this quarter?

  • What is the company value that this teammate most exemplified this quarter? Please provide examples of how.

  • To what extent did this teammate's work have an impact on revenue?

  • What goals would you like to see this teammate meet in the next quarter?

  • To what extent was this teammate detail-oriented?

  • To what extent was this teammate capable of working independently with little to no supervision?

  • What was the level of quality of the work teammate produced?

  • To what extent did this teammate help improve the skills of the people around them?

  • Find out how Frankli automates, simplifies and optimises 360-degree performance reviews for teams all over the world.


1. Deloitte, The 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey. 2. Gallup, The Secret of Higher Performance.

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