1:1 Talking Point Templates

One-on-One Meeting Questions Template: Employee-Led Conversation

Performance conversations are more effective when employees do the talking. That's why we're sharing 3 questions managers can ask their people during 1 on 1 meetings.

Whenever we're asked for our tips on hosting effective 1 on 1 meetings, we talk about finding the correct balance of voices in the conversation, which is something that a 1 on 1 meeting template can really help with. These conversations are rarely productive when the manager does all the talking. It works best when employees are given the space to really open up about their performance and share any obstacles they're facing. To provide this, we need to a) ask the right questions and b) practice active listening.

one-on-one meeting questions talking point template or employee-led conversations for managers

Today, we're sharing 3 questions that managers of high-performing teams swear by. This 1 on 1 meeting template will ensure your people feel comfortable sharing their challenges and ideas, making your conversations more powerful and, ultimately, more efficient.

The questions in our talking point template were developed in tandem with our performance and communication platform, Frankli, based on the latest research in organisational psychology. They're designed to help you have the most productive conversations possible with your people, but, of course, you're free to change up these questions to suit your plans for your meeting. You'll also find this template, and nine others, on our Essential One-on-One Talking Point Templates downloadable.

Frankli Tip: Select the Employee-Led Conversation template when creating a new 1:1 Meeting with your people to automatically add these talking points to the shared agenda, and give your people the opportunity to respond or contribute notes ahead of time.

1 on 1 Meeting Template: 3 Questions for Employee-Led Conversations

  1. 1

    What's the most important thing we need to discuss today?

  2. 2

    What obstacles are you encountering right now?

  3. 3

    What are the most important things you will focus on before we meet next?

Want a longer list of employee-led questions to choose from? You'll find one here.

one on ones short show around

Frankli automates one-on-one meeting admin, freeing you up for strategic thinking and other pressing work.

Automate your One-on-One Meetings

Research from Gartner tells us that 65% of tasks currently performed by managers have the potential to be automated by 2025 (1), and it starts with the scheduling and structuring of one-on-one meetings with your employees.

Think about how much time it takes to;

  • Set up one-to-one meetings with all your people

  • Schedule recurring one-on-one meetings

  • Come up with relevant talking points

  • Set and share meeting agendas

  • Share relevant documents to discuss

  • Prepare relevant data on employee performance and feedback

  • Record notes from the meeting

  • Make lists of points to action after the meeting

  • Assign action points and set reminders to follow up on them

All of this takes time, time that could be spent on strategic thinking and other pressing work. That's why millions of high-performing teams (2) are turning to digital tools like Frankli to automate one-on-one meetings.

With Frankli, you can take care of everything on this list in just a couple of clicks. You can automate meeting admin in minutes, and, more importantly, ensure the right conversations are happening with the right people at the right time.

Speak to a member of our team to find out more.

1. Gartner, 11 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2022 and Beyond. 2. Zion Market Research, Global Performance Management Software Market Will Reach USD 5,633 Million By 2026.

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