OKR Goals

The Ultimate List of OKR Examples: 47 Free Templates

Looking for OKR examples? Our free library of research-based OKRs examples includes key results, goals and objectives. Let's find your perfect OKR template.

All the latest research suggests that OKR goal setting can transform performance, but only if we’re working towards the correct goals, which is why we love using research-based OKR examples.

Creating the perfect goal - the kind that motivates an employee to do their very best work - is not only difficult but time-consuming. An OKR template designed specifically for each employee’s role gives them clear guidelines to follow, shows them where to focus their attention and helps them avoid the (sadly very common!) pitfalls associated with OKRs.

OKR examples OKRs examples OKR template Goals and objectives Performance goals examples

Providing your people with OKR examples delivers benefits for individuals, teams and the company as a whole - it brings consistency to goals across the organisation, which helps with alignment and works to eliminate biases.

With that in mind, we’re sharing an extensive library of OKRs examples, including OKR templates for the most common roles across sales, marketing, engineering, customer success and more.

But first, let’s start with a quick guide to using OKR examples.

‍The Quick Guide to Using OKR Examples

‍What are OKRs?

OKRs stand for objectives and key results. OKRs refer to the goal-setting framework that many leaders use to help people across the organisation stay aligned on goals. Through personal and team goals, OKRs help people measure their progress and connect their work to the company’s success.

What are OKR examples?

OKR examples are sample goals designed to give employees a clear idea of what effective goals look like and provide a template for creating their own. An employee may use a sample goal verbatim, but more commonly, they’ll tweak the objective and/or key results to create one that suits their individual priorities and aligns well with team and company goals.

Where will I find the best OKR examples?

Leaders generally find external OKR templates (like the ones we’re sharing below and via our free download) to be really helpful and share them with their teams just as they are. Some leaders tweak these to create bespoke OKR examples specific to their organisation, while others prefer to create their own examples from scratch.

Our performance platform Frankli features a built-in library of OKR examples to make the goal-creation process quick and easy. You can also create and save custom templates for your people to access when creating a goal.

What should an OKR template include?

An OKR example or template should include a sample objective, plus 3 - 5 sample key results.

What are the benefits of using OKR examples?

They help your people get started with goal setting. Even employees who are experienced with OKRs find the idea of creating them daunting. Using a template is easier, faster and less intimidating than starting from scratch with a blank page or blank form.

They help your people create more effective goals. Using a research-based OKR template (like the ones we're provided here) ensure that goals are ambitious, measurable and time-bound, and help employees avoid the all-too-common pitfalls associated with OKRs.

They help align your teams. Goal examples ensure that employees are working from the same blueprint, bringing consistency to goals across the company.

They help eliminate bias. If goal examples are provided for multiple employees in the same role, it's unlikely those employees will end up with wildly different workloads.

okr goal template examples and templates customer success teams

With Frankli, you can get started with digital goal-setting in a couple of clicks. Take a look around.

How do I use OKR examples?

Find the right OKR examples for your teams. Don’t worry too much about the exact figures on the key results - these are easily changed. Instead, ask yourself whether the objectives generally align with your team and company priorities. You can create your own if you can’t find what you’re looking for elsewhere.

Tweak the OKR examples (optional). You may be happy for employees to do this during the goal-creation process. On the other hand, it may be useful to amend the examples before sharing. Take sample goals for new starters - you may like to amend these to mention onboarding materials and policies specific to your organisation.

Share the OKR examples with your team members. You can do this by sharing a link to this article, but the most efficient way to do this is through a platform like Frankli. In Frankli, employees have access to a full library of OKR examples during the goal-creation process. All they have to do is search for their title or department and choose the relevant template and it will automatically populate the creation form. At this point, they can tweak the details and add deadlines.

Communicate the purpose and importance of your OKRs examples to your team members.

The key points are as follows:

  1. 1

    Goal creation should be a collaborative process between employee and manager.

  2. 2

    Personal goals should align with the Team goals, and Team goals should align with the Company Goals.

  3. 3

    Goal examples are not generally used verbatim, the objective and/or some of the key results will need to be edited to suit your priorities.

Be sure to provide:

  • Details of where employees will find the goal examples

  • ‍A clear expectation of when goals should be set, e.g. by the first day of each quarter_

  • A clear expectation of how goals should be tracked (spreadsheets Vs dedicated OKR platform like Frankli).

‍OKR Template: Company OKR Examples

Objective: Research and improve customer satisfaction

Key Results:

Exceed Net Promoter Score (NPS) of over 8.0

Get 1000 survey responses to annual satisfaction survey

Conduct 50 phone interviews with top customers

Conduct 15 phone interviews with recently churned customers

Present an action plan of 10 improvements for next quarter

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Objective: Successfully launch version 3 of our main product

Key Results:

Get over 10000 new signups

Get published product reviews in over 15 publications

Achieve sign-up to % trial ratio of over 25%

Achieve trial to % paid ratio of over 50%

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Objective: Achieve record revenues while increasing profitability

Key Results:

Hit quarterly revenue of over $1000000

Start sales in 2 new countries

Achieve first quarter revenues totaling over $100000

Increase gross profit margin % from 54% to 63%

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Objective: Simplify and clarify our product, messaging, presentation of things we do

Key Results:

25 on-site user-testing sessions to understand key product misunderstandings

10 tests of our recent infographics and slide decks for customer understanding

Get 1000 answers to an online user survey sent to all last quarter's signups

Conduct a team hackathon to create and publish full portfolio of product materials

Present an action plan for next quarter's messaging improvements

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Objective: Increase recurring revenues

Key Results:

Reach monthly recurring revenue (€ MRR) of $250000

Increase the share of monthly subscriptions vs one-time contracts sold to 85%

Increase average subscription size to at least $295 per month

Increase annual renewals to 75%

Reduce churn % to less than 1% monthly

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Objective: Finish raising new capital for our growth needs

Key Results:

E-mail and phone outreach to 100 VCs and seed funds

Get at least 30 second contact meetings or conference calls

Solicit at least 3 term sheets of our minimum required terms

Close an investment round with the minimum of $10 million pre-money

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Objective: Improve internal employee engagement

Key Results:

Conduct 3 monthly meetings

Interview 48 employees on their needs for improving our work culture

Implement using OKRs in all teams

Reach weekly employee satisfaction score of at least 4.7 points

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OKR Template: Product Management OKR Examples

Objective: Be excellent - improve to be the best in whatever we do

Key Results:

All 13 teams to have an internal brainstorm meeting

Benchmark everything related to product to 10 key competitors

Survey 100 customers on their thoughts where we need to be better

Create an action list of 10 company-wide improvement activities

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Objective: Successfully launch version 3 of our main product

Key Results:

Get over 10000 new signups

Get published product reviews in over 15 publications

Achieve sign-up to % trial ratio of over 25%

Achieve trial to % paid ratio of over 50%

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Objective: Activate user-testing of our product

Key Results:

Conduct at least 21 face-to-face user testing and interview sessions

Receive at least 15 video interviews from Usertesting.com

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Objective: Implement new 360-degree product planning process

Key Results:

Document clear role division between sales, marketing, design and development

Decide on and document the process of input methods to and from sales, marketing, design and development back into product management

Integrate user testing into all activities in product planning and design phase

Integrate user testing into pre-launch testing phase

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Objective: Research, analyze and understand what our users and non-users really think

Key Results:

Sales team to conduct 50 phone interviews with key accounts

Support team to conduct 50 phone interviews with churned accounts

Product management to interview 25 external team leaders (non-users)

Design team to conduct 30 web-based user testing sessions on new and old users

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OKR Template: Sales OKR Examples

Objective: Achieve record revenues while increasing profitability

Key Results:

Hit quarterly revenue of over $100,000

Start sales in 2 new countries

Achieve first quarter revenues totalling over $100,000

Increase gross profit % margin from 23% to 54%

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Objective: Increase recurring revenues

Key Results:

Reach monthly recurring revenue ($ MRR) of $250k

Increase the share of monthly subscriptions vs one-time contracts sold to 85%

Increase average subscription size to at least $295 per month

Increase % annual renewals to 75%

Reduce churn % to less than 1% monthly

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Objective: Kickstart sales process activity indicator improvements

Key Results:

Increase calls per salesperson to 6300 per quarter

Achieve at least 315 demo calls per salesperson per quarter

At least 33% of online signups % reached via calling them back

Have each salesperson spend at least 84 hours per month on support chat

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Objective: Collect more accurate sales leads data

Key Results:

Create the list of lead metrics and scripted questions to collect in CRM

Make sure at least 75% of leads have the obligatory question answers filled in

With development automate the data collection from our backend to CRM

Redesign signup form to ask for 3 new obligatory screening questions

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Objective: Increase the quality of our sales approach

Key Results:

Make sure at least 50% of signups % called back in first 24 hours

Have all salespeople listen in to at least 10 product demos of other team members

Create a best practices sales process document with minimum allowed service levels

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OKR Template: People Operations OKR Examples

Objective: Improve internal employee engagement

Key Results:

Roll-out monthly 1:1 meetings with all people

Interview 48 employees on their needs for improving our work culture

Implement using OKRs and Frankli software in all teams

Reach quarterly eNPS score of >= 40 points

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Objective: Define and promote company culture and values

Key Results:

Survey all employees on our current values (min 75 answers received)

With 3 separate teams, conduct brainstorm sessions to redefine our culture

Design and promote our new values on intranet and in office environment

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Objective: Execute recruitment outreach campaign for engineering

Key Results:

Conduct career day seminars in 5 universities

Harvest Linkedin to collect 250 potential new candidates

Organize an open career day at the office with at least 50 participants

Redesign and publish our careers and jobs website section

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Objective: Boost manager development and success

Key Results:

Increase participation in our 'First-time Manager Success' training to 83% of first-time managers

Increase Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) of the 'Manager' segment by 25% to 58

Create a mentoring program pairing first-time managers with company leadership (Directors, VPs and C-suite)

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Objective: Design and launch internal Employee Academy

Key Results:

Survey 15 team leaders on our educational needs and gaps

Talk to 3 other company's HR Directors on how they do internal education

Define 10 training modules and design content for each

Conduct the first 3-day team offsite to test out the Academy curriculum

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Objective: Create and celebrate a diverse and inclusive team

Key Results:

Increase women in leadership positions (Director and above) to 43%.

100% of hiring managers, interviewers and recruiters attends our unconscious bias workshop

Increase underrepresented minorities in tech roles to 39%.

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OKR Template: Engineering OKR Examples

Objective: Improve our testing procedures

Key Results:

Implement test-driven development in 3 new development teams

Increase unit test coverage to 75% of code

Conduct a security assessment of our codebase using automated tools

User-test page prototypes on 12 people

Make sure satisfaction score of product management to testing team is at least 7.5

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Objective: Refactor our old user management module

Key Results:

Survey 5 external API users regarding issues with our authentication

Discuss the user management code usage with 5 engineers having used it in production

Rewrite and launch new version of our user management module

Rewrite the API user authentication for new version

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Objective: Review and improve our data security procedures

Key Results:

For learning, review security policies of 5 other companies

Conduct external penetration testing using at least 2 different software packages

Document our backup policies and make sure they get implemented

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Objective: Deliver features to specification and on-time

Key Results:

Average of 90% story point completion rate from sprint max scope to release

No more than 5 days late on releases per quarter

Max 5% hotfix tickets relative to release tickets

No more than 10% increase in story points from sprint start to max scope

Max 5% of tickets get kicked back following UAT

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Objective: Build a stable, secure, and scalable platform

Key Results:

No SLA downtime violations

No more than 5% of users experience an error

Average deployment downtime < 30 minutes

100% of feature areas with automated test coverage

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OKR Template: Customer Success OKR Examples

Objective: Research & improve customer satisfaction

Key Results:

Exceed Net Promoter Score (NPS) of over 8.0

Get 1000 survey responses to annual satisfaction survey

Conduct 50 phone interviews with top customers

Conduct 15 phone interviews with recently churned customers

Present an action plan of 10 improvements for next quarter

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Objective: Improve satisfaction with support team's work

Key Results:

Decrease number of complaints and negative feedback per quarter from 15 to 5

Increase positive feedback items and praise from 5 to 15 per quarter

Increase end-user satisfaction rating from 4.0 to 4.5

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Objective: Meet the customer retention targets

Key Results:

Logo churn below 2%

Net MRR Churn below -3%

Increase NPS by 5 points

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Objective: Grow a vibrant online customer community

Key Results:

Average posts interactions (likes + comments) > 400

Increase the total number of members by 40%

At least one post every 3 days

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Objective: Decrease the churn % for customers post onboarding phase

Key Results:

Identify 2 customer behaviors that precede a customer churn event

Decrease the churn with 4%

Improve customer re-engagement campaigns so customers get back on track faster

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goal examples, OKR examples, OKR platform

Frankli's OKR tool helps employees set ambitious, measurable goals in seconds.

OKR Template: Marketing OKR Examples

Objective: Simplify & clarify our product, messaging & presentation of things we do

Key Results:

25 on-site user-testing sessions to understand key product misunderstandings

10 tests of our recent infographics and slide decks for customer understanding

Get 1000 answers to an online user survey sent to all last quarter's signups

Conduct a team hackathon to create and publish full portfolio of product materials

Present an action plan for next quarter's messaging improvements

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Objective: Activate user-testing of our content

Key Results:

Talk to 10 external editors to receive feedback on our articles and infographics

Conduct 21 face-to-face content testing and interview sessions with users

Organize an online survey with min 100 answers to rate our various content

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Objective: Achieve record metrics in all areas of marketing

Key Results:

170000 website visitors

23000 signups7500 trials

3500 new paid customers

Maximum paid user acquisition cost of $25

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Objective: Improve our content and its distribution

Key Results:

Implement 12 new channels or mediums where to post old or new content

Get 60 marketing takeaways from reading 1h of marketing materials a day

1 test from a product review site for paid promotion

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Objective: Understand our customers and analyze their behavior

Key Results:

Conduct 12 online client surveys and analyze the results

Map our customer journey to understand what influences their buying decision

Map and analyze all of our current marketing channels and give at least 10 recommendations to improve them

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Objective: Successfully implement the weekly newsletter

Key Results:

Finalize the content strategy, key messages and topic structure for next 6 months

Grow subscriber base at least 5% per week, getting to 50000 readers

Increase the CTR% to above industry average 3.5%

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OKR Template: Design OKR Examples

Objective: Redesign & launch our new landing page

Key Results:

Test existing landing page on external users for understanding issues

Conduct stakeholder interviews with 10 people from sales and marketing

Design new version of our site structure, navigation and all pages

User-test page prototypes on 12 people

With development and marketing, launch by November 1st

Increase visitor to % sign-up ratio from 9% to 15%

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Objective: Promote our design team as the best place to work

Key Results:

Apply for 5 external design competitions

Publish 2 open source design and UI/UX freebies

Conduct 3 monthly designer meetups at our office

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Objective: Become a strongly design-driven company

Key Results:

Establish a set of live brand and design guides and assets, as PDF and online

Set budget for design software, online presence accounts (like Dribbble), and premium resources that don't make sense to create ourselves (mockup templates, wireframe kits, stock photos and illustrations)

Run at least 1 Google Sprint (gv.com/sprint)

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Objective: Support marketing and sales with design deliverables

Key Results:

12 infographic and slide sets

1 special campaign marketing minisite

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Objective: Improve the trial sign up flow

Key Results:

Reduce the number of steps to sign up for trial

Increase the percentage of completed sign ups

Reduce number of inputs during the trial

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OKR Template: Finance OKR Examples

Objective: Improve annual budgeting & business panning

Key Results:

Conduct a day-long planning session with each division manager

Receive business line budget proposals before Sept 1st

Have each business line manager start using our online dashboards

Close the final budget by November 30th

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Objective: Finish raising new capital for growth needs

Key Results:

E-mail and phone outreach to 100 VCs and seed funds

Get at least 30 second contact meetings or conference calls

Solicit at least 3 term sheets of our minimum required terms

Close an investment round with the minimum of €10 million pre-money

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OKR Template: Onboarding OKR Example

Objective: Get to grips with your new role at (Company x)

Key Results:

Review your employee handbook

Attend weekly 1:1 with your manager

Meet 1:1 with each member of your new team

Complete AML and GDPR Training

Complete tech setup

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